Jesus Satisfies

Thursday, July 27, 2006

We Cannot Help But Speak of What we've Seen and Heard

I sit here...back in the Karaoke bar that doubles as our mission outpost, having devotions with the team. Okay, in truth, I just gave a scripture focus and I'm letting you peek in the window.

Today is a very special day. We pray that it's a great day of harvest. We've been systematically telling biblical stories in an effort to chip away at the people's pagan world view and to prepare the way for the gospel presentation. Check out the following progression of stories:
1. Creation
2. The Fall
3. Sin Sacrifice
4. Promise of the Perfect Sacrifice
5. Birth of the Perfect Lamb
6. The Prodigal Son
7. The Gospel

Today it's The Prodigal and The Gospel stories. We pray for a harvest. Many of the students are really starting to get it. We are confident in God's ability to draw them to Himself. Will you pray with us?

Last night we had dinner with a very respected elected representative. The night before he had received Jesus as Lord and Savior. The night prior to his salvation his wife had called one of our hosts, a native to the community we're in, to ask for a group to come to her house. She was very curious why so many would spend time and money to come to this tiny dot on the global map. A group went to visit her. Her husband wasn't present that night as she expressed herself to our team. She was in much emotional turmoil and pain. Our team presented testimonies of personal suffering and how the Most High God had comforted them and brought peace in the midst of suffering. They then presented the Suffering Savior. She opened her heart and received Jesus. The next night her husband did. Last night we all ate together...all 52 of our team with these new babes in Christ. This would be like inviting a congressman to dinner and his accepting. He has great potential to make a difference in the spread of the gospel in this area. He has a desire to be a witness. Will you pray for this new couple?

We thought we came to work for God. He's been working for, in and around us in ways that can only be attributed to Him.

Got to go. We have a baptism within the hour for the representative and his wife.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Working for God Never Looked Like This

We've been holed up indoors since yesterday evening...only venturing out to go back to our rooms across the courtyard. It's been a typhoon. It hit last night with winds howling and rains beating the roof with fury.

It seemed yesterday as we anticipated the coming of the typhoon that we were going to have a wasted day. We had to cancel camp and the senior adult English class. Here we are all the way from Oklahoma to the Far East...for what?

Last night as we sat in the commons area God began to work. Some from our team engaged in conversation with the wife and 2 daughters of the owner of the bed & breakfast at which we staying. The conversation turned to spiritual matters. All 3 gave their lives in faith to Jesus.

This morning as we sat in training 2 of ladies came to visit. These are ladies that our team were teaching English to the day before. As we trained others engaged in conversation with the visiting ladies. They both received Jesus as Lord and Savior. They came into the room where our team of 50+ people were meeting (team from Taiwan, New Mexico, California, Oklahoma) and gave public testimony to their faith in Christ. We had a time of prayer for them. They are sure to face some pretty intense opposition and persecution from family and others. To accept Jesus is pretty much okay...that is, until you reject all the other false gods the family worships.

As we got ready for lunch today we were about to pray. Someone announced that a lady had just called into the bed and breakfast, and even though she was told that it was full, insisted that she and her daughter are coming to stay for 10 days. I wonder why she feels like she has to come here? Mmm... I wonder if God is drawing her to a divine appointment?

So here we thought we came to serve God and work hard for Him...Instead, He's working despite us and in the midst of a typhoon.

Me thinks God is soveriegn.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Not So Deep Thoughts From Taiwan

I'm sitting in a small room that's bustling with energy. It's actually a karaoke bar that's being set up for an evening worship service for the House of Hakka - a new church plant in Fenglin,
Taiwan. Next to me is a lady who's working on her keyboard trying to get it working to accompany the singing. To my right is my co-worker and friend, Michael Butler, High School pastor at Council Road Baptist.

Fourteen people from Council Road have traveled to meet the rest of the team for this week's mission effort in this small, rural town. There are some from California, one person from New Mexico, some from All Nations Church (an international church plant at NW Baptist, OKC), as well as a large group from various places in Taiwan.

The thunder rumbles outside, the clouds hang gray and pregnant hiding the tops of the mountains. We're sure to get wet soon. We've been told that a typhoon is on it's way this Tuesday. We pray not.

Why are we here? To spread the knowledge of the glory of God revealed in Jesus to those blinded to the truth. Some will be teaching the elderly English, others will visit the prison, we'll prayer walk, and, we'll by God's grace have a Middle School camp for about 70 kids.

Pray that many seeds will be planted and that God will be glorified. We so want to be with the new worshippers God will raise up on that great day of praise around the throne of the Lamb.

To His praise and glory forever.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Satire From the Bible Belt

Dear Jesus,

It's been awhile since I started walking with You. Of course, I've heard about You all my life. I remember all the stories I heard about You as I grew up in Sunday School. You seemed like such a loving person. And I was so sad to hear You suffered...but at least the stories were tidy. The flannal-graph didn't bleed. The bad ladies you hung out with at times seemed tame. The tax collectors? Well, they seemed to be okay folk. I just couldn't understand why those religious leaders were angry at You. You seemed so sweet and kind.

I'm a little older now, and, if You'll be patient with me, I'd like to offer some more mature thoughts that trouble me.

First, I'd like to talk with You about your death. Mmm, couldn't You have figured out something a little less gruesome? I mean, no offense, but I've heard a little more of the truth about Roman crucifixion, now that I'm an adult. It was horrible and shameful. Don't You think You could have cleaned it up a little? Couldn't You have been a little more acceptable in the form of death You chose? I mean, You could have accomplished the same thing with other forms of death couldn't You?

Jesus, it bugs me that You've got all that blood on You. Could You at least wipe a little of it off?It's repulsive to hear Your flesh rip and see the flicks of flesh spatter at the whipping post. And couldn't You have picked a more modest way to die? I mean...You're naked and all. You created the universe...couldn't You have at least kept on a loincloth? It's flat shameful, Jesus...shameful to my sensibilities! How in the world am I supposed to describe to tender, Christian ears the horror of Your crucifixion? I guess I'll just have to soften it up! You and I both know that they really don't want to hear the truth.

Another thing: Your Methods,

So what about this making wine for people that had already been drinking for a few days? How in the world am I supposed to explain that one, Hmmm?

Or, how about that woman who's obviously a little off her rocker...I mean, look at her groveling on the floor. It's disgusting seeing the snot coming out of her nose as she shakes weeping violently. Look at Your feet! They're all wet with this woman's silly tears. It's a little embarrassing! We are in public, You know! We're at a religious leader's house. He's dressed nicely. Nice people are here...respectable people! Man, You sure are a nuisance with what You allow!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The Temple. Mmm...what were You thinking? Forgive me, but are You a little touched in the head? You came running like an insane man, screaming at the top of Your lungs about their making the Temple a den of thieves! Come on! Lighten up a bit! People do pray in there! It's not like people just sell stuff. I mean, do You really think You're going to change everything? The Pharisees do have it together! Leave them alone!

Oops. I've rambled. I hope You don't take offense. It's just that here in the Midwest, in the 21st's obvious that You need to just be tamed down a bit.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

But for the grace of God go I

This past Sunday about 30 singles from Council Road Baptist Church went to the Wiley Post Park in OKC. Our purpose was to share the love of Jesus with the homeless.

Whereas during the week meals are prepared for the homeless, on Sundays the area kitchens don't serve a meal. A lady has organized volunteer churches to come on rotation and provide a meal to those that gather at the park. Anywhere from 100-300 homeless people show up.

I'm a white, middle-class, suburban kind of guy. This was definately a new experience for me. I'm glad I went.

I had a long conversation with a man, we'll call him Dave. Dave had just become homeless that morning. His roommate that he'd known since he was a kid bailed on him...but didn't inform him that he'd not paid the rent.

Dave is a felon and also doesn't have a driver's license. Though he's "clean" (drug and alcohol free) now, it's still hard for him to land a steady job. He is a skilled handyman, drywaller and fence builder; but, his leg, which had an obvious problem, is growing weaker making it hard for him to work the physically demanding jobs he's been used to.

God gave me the privelege of witnessing to Dave and praying for him. Before we said goodbye, I gave him a "Here's Hope" New Testament. He was grateful.

I wasn't the only one engaging in conversation. It was wonderful to look around the park and see our singles serving food while others sat down and shared the love of Jesus. One of the University students that came with us ministered to a whole family. She gave them New Testaments and prayed for them. They asked her to read specific passages out loud to them and to pray for their children, some of whom were in prison.

I could have looked at the homeless with disdain, as sometimes before I've been guilty; however, I have to think, But for the grace of God go I.