Jesus Satisfies

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pondering and Praying

Periodically I go to my dad's grave to ponder and pray. Yesterday was one of those occasions. It occured to me that my ponderings were not so much the grief of loss as much as the sadness of what never became.

Perhaps one day what I'd dreamed of while he lived will happen in God's re-creation. Maybe dad and I will walk side by side and laugh, dream, and just be father and son in harmony. That will be nice if it occurs.

I found myself speaking to my Heavenly Father yesterday - aware that my prayers, springing forth from recollections of my dad's failures, were being offered as hopes that I would not be as he was.

My prayer is that God will make me the kind of husband, dad, friend, and man of God that when my son stands pondering and praying over my grave someday that his prayers will be that he could be like me...cause I was like Jesus.

We'll see.

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Monday, August 09, 2010

Movin' Up When You're Feelin' Down

The Old Testament prophet Habakkuk was confused. Why in the world would God raise up a pagan nation that was extremely wicked to judge God's covenant people who weren't quite as sinful?

God answered the prophet by telling him that the Babylonians would get what's coming to them; however, for the time being he was going to use this pagan nation to bring judgment to the people of God because of their sin.

The disasters that he anticipated for his own people were too much for the prophet to handle. He was overcome with grief and horror.

He needed help - divine help. Of God, the prophet wrote, "The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on to the heights."

The only thing the prophet knew that would sustain him and bring him out of discouraging depression was the Sovereign LORD Himself. He would have to bring his perspective up from despair.

Recently, I have been struck by the suffering of others. A parent loses their child, a friend contemplates suicide, a single parent struggles with custody issues with a deadbeat ex. All of these situations could overwhelm - could destroy faith - could hinder hope.

Except for one thing: Jesus! Jesus ran to suffering - the innocent embracing the guilty's pain. The One from whom all life exists received death's cold kiss. He did this for me. He did this for all that the Father has given to Him.

Do you find yourself in His embrace? When you bring your cry to the Father does He see you in the Son who understands your pain with great sympathy?

Praise God for Jesus - the One who enables us to "go on to the heights" even when we are being pulled down to sorrow's depths.

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