The Gospel: Earth's Renewal or Recreation?
The gospel is good news for the universe...but in what manner?
Specifically, how should one understand the gospel in light of the end of all things?
Does the gospel result in a renewed earth - complete with a renewed society, or, is it something different?
I believe that the gospel results not in a renewal but in a re-creation. There is a difference.
If I want to renew then I take what exists and restore it.
Scripture teaches that the gospel brings re-creation / new creation, if you will.
This re-creation is what happens to the sinner who repents in faith receiving God's gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. Anyone in Christ is a new creation...
This re-creation is what happens to the universe at the end of all things as we know them. The Lord Jesus returns and at some point destroys the universe and creates a new one - a new heaven and a new earth, in fact.
So, what about now? What should a follower of Jesus Christ do while waiting for the re-creation of all things?
So, what should we not do? We should not minimize the gospel to some moralistic answer to the wicked world. It is so much different than that. The gospel is not: Do better, be better, help restore and renew...then you'll be a "kingdom worker" and pleasing to God.
The point? Doing good things doesn't = kingdom advancement. We're not in some cooperation with God for the renewal of this fallen universe. We are living in the midst of a fallen, flawed creation that is groaning waiting for the final revelation of the sons of God. Both humanity and globe need re-creation. We seek the re-creation of souls now (by God's effective power) even as we long for the re-creation of the universe someday.
The method? The way in which we engage a fallen, flawed creation should be with stewardship and love in mind. Stewardship in that as human beings we are caretakers of this globe and should display God's glory in His Fatherly compassion and care of creation. In love we should seek to bring other lost ones to the Savior.
This view doesn't negate conservation, green earth policies, or social responsibility and social advancement; rather, it's an attempt to not equate conservation or green earth policies and social efforts with "kingdom advancement." Followers of Jesus aren't working hard to get everything better to a certain blessed point where Jesus can return and complete all the good things we've begun!
Jesus is currently making people become re-created / new creations through His blood.
One day Jesus will make the heavens and the earth re-creations as well.
Specifically, how should one understand the gospel in light of the end of all things?
Does the gospel result in a renewed earth - complete with a renewed society, or, is it something different?
I believe that the gospel results not in a renewal but in a re-creation. There is a difference.
If I want to renew then I take what exists and restore it.
Scripture teaches that the gospel brings re-creation / new creation, if you will.
This re-creation is what happens to the sinner who repents in faith receiving God's gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. Anyone in Christ is a new creation...
This re-creation is what happens to the universe at the end of all things as we know them. The Lord Jesus returns and at some point destroys the universe and creates a new one - a new heaven and a new earth, in fact.
So, what about now? What should a follower of Jesus Christ do while waiting for the re-creation of all things?
- We should do good to all as we have opportunity...especially those who belong to the household of faith.
- We should live holy lives.
- We should make disciples.
So, what should we not do? We should not minimize the gospel to some moralistic answer to the wicked world. It is so much different than that. The gospel is not: Do better, be better, help restore and renew...then you'll be a "kingdom worker" and pleasing to God.
The point? Doing good things doesn't = kingdom advancement. We're not in some cooperation with God for the renewal of this fallen universe. We are living in the midst of a fallen, flawed creation that is groaning waiting for the final revelation of the sons of God. Both humanity and globe need re-creation. We seek the re-creation of souls now (by God's effective power) even as we long for the re-creation of the universe someday.
The method? The way in which we engage a fallen, flawed creation should be with stewardship and love in mind. Stewardship in that as human beings we are caretakers of this globe and should display God's glory in His Fatherly compassion and care of creation. In love we should seek to bring other lost ones to the Savior.
This view doesn't negate conservation, green earth policies, or social responsibility and social advancement; rather, it's an attempt to not equate conservation or green earth policies and social efforts with "kingdom advancement." Followers of Jesus aren't working hard to get everything better to a certain blessed point where Jesus can return and complete all the good things we've begun!
Jesus is currently making people become re-created / new creations through His blood.
One day Jesus will make the heavens and the earth re-creations as well.