Jesus Satisfies

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Victory in Jesus

I grew up in a traditional, conservative, mostly Baptist environment. Early on I learned many of the old hymns of the faith. One that seemed to be a favorite is the hymn Victory in Jesus.

I yawned a lot growing up in church. Hymns didn't mean a whole lot to me at that time. They were a boring part of my Sunday / Wednesday church experience.

Of course, after I truly became a follower of Jesus, my perspective began to change. I began to appreciate the rich treasure hymns are to the body of Christ. Many of them spell out in poetic detail the glories of our risen, exalted, reigning King - Jesus the Messiah!

I love hymns now - have for years.

When I look at the lyrics of the song Victory in Jesus I'm struck by the truth expressed so well - the reality of the ultimate victory that we have in Jesus.

Ephesians 6:10-13 makes it clear that we have a dangerous, but defeated foe. What's greater is that we also have a powerful Lord Jesus in whose strength we can take refuge and stand.

Praise God for His sustaining grace.


  • I love how you invest in God's word, process it, and share it. This is great stuff! I'm glad you're blogging again.

    By Blogger AK, at 1:46 PM  

  • Thanks, Andy. Good to hear from you.

    By Blogger James Hunt, at 1:53 PM  

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