Jesus Satisfies

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Innocence Condemned

It's not pretty - it's not fair - but it sometimes happens. You're misunderstood, or, worse yet someone just simply doesn't like the fact that you exist.

Innocence - it's true - you haven't done anything to merit the ill will of your opponent - heck, you didn't even want to have an opponent. Out of nowhere comes a person with an agenda - their sites set on you.

You'd better defend yourself - get smart - get all your facts in a row - prepare to fight back - the battle is looming...after all, what will others think about you if you let what this person is trying to do to you continue without some pushback!?

Condemnation - well, I guess if someone was really weak natured maybe they'd just let it happen. Maybe it won't be so bad after all...maybe it'll blow over.

Insert Jesus into this scenario. He is the powerful Creator by whom and for whom all things were created - perfect in Innocence yet on trial before religious folks with murder on the mind. They're so close to getting the "blasphemer" crucified they can already sense the metallic taste of His blood on their tongues.

So, what will the personification of Innocence do when faced with the cruel Condemnation of His killers? What can we learn from the scene described in Mark 14:53-65?


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