Jesus Satisfies

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Don't Pray!

Perhaps one of the most used verses regarding prayer is Jeremiah 33:3.
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."
I have heard this verse highlighted time and again as an encouragement to pray to God and that he would answer in marvelous ways.
What I have never, ever heard is this verse preached in context. Here's what I mean:
Jeremiah 33:3 is not the first verse in this prophecy that mentions prayer. Earlier in 11:14, God actually tells Jeremiah to NOT pray for the people of the covenant who were about to be destroyed. A little later God reiterates this sentiment when he says (15:1-2) that even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before him on behalf of the people he would not change his mind regarding the impending judgment.
Wow! So, here is this wonderful verse encouraging Jeremiah to pray (33:3) set in the backdrop of earlier command NOT to pray. What's new? Why is God encouraging prayer now?
The difference is found in what Jeremiah was praying for earlier (God to not bring judgment) versus what God is directing him to pray for now (restoration and renewal).
Earlier God was declaring that the Babylonians were most definitely going to overthrow Jerusalem and utterly destroy the city, the culture, and cause many to die and others to go into exile. The way God describes what he's going to do horrifies Jeremiah. Thus, he prays for God's change of mind. God says, in essence, "NO! Their doom is sure!"
The greatest thing about Jeremiah 33:3 is discovered as you read through the rest of the chapter. God is promising a renewal for his covenant people by means of raising up a "righteous Branch" that will come from David's kingly line and rule on the davidic throne forever (33:15-16). Furthermore, God promises that there will always be a priest ministering before him...and that there will many, many priests, in fact (33:18-22).

The point? God encouraged Jeremiah to pray because his prayer of restoration and the fulfillment of that restoration is found in the Gospel! The "great and unsearchable things you do not know" that God was promising are as follows:

  • Jesus - the greatest King of all - the greatest and the eternal son of David
  • Jesus - the great Priest whose ministry continues before the throne of his Father
  • Us - who are in Jesus who have become a kingdom of priests before God

May God build his Kingdom. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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